
Custom Lightning Component in Outlook or Gmail Side Panel

Sales reps depend on 2 important tools one is CRM to store information related to opportunities and leads and second is emails to communicate with contacts. CRM and Email are 2 different applications and sometimes it is annoying to toggle between apps to create records in salesforce when user is busy following up with multiple clients or customers at a time viz emails. It is also important to keep track of all interactions, activities and events into Salesforce.

The “Salesforce Lightning for Outlook” add-in can solve this problem. This plugin will give user a small side window panel, where user can create records in salesforce without having to login to salesforce separately in a browser. This will be like mobile version of salesforce in outlook.

Salesforce Lightning For Outlook Add-On search result.

Once you install the plugin, you need to login to either sandbox instance or Production Instance. You can create records of almost all objects. If you want a specific record type record to be created, you can create Global Actions for the same. This is a standard feature of salesforce.

There will be some scenarios where you may need to customize things as per business scenarios. And to add the custom-built logic, sometimes you need to build a custom solution either in Lightning Aura Component or in Lightning Web Component. But how to add the custom build module in the side panel in your outlook or Gmail plugin, we will see that in this post.

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